Sunday, December 23, 2007

Work is finally picking up again....I've been laying offa the blog 'cuz the past few weeks have been pretty shitty (as is every December) and it would just be a bunch of bitter ranting about being broke.... depressing enuff living it, I don't need to write about it.... but we all got thru without any major flip-outs or fisticuffs.....did a nice portrait this weekend, plus the usual cross and fleur dis lis designs that are so popular around here,..... actually this fluer came out really nice, it was a cover up of a smaller fluer with a blue bubble around it that kinda made it look like an alien head. Covered that in the negative (black) space, and colored the thing Teal & Magenta.Plus it was a nice Big Round Ass to work on.... very comfortable arm rest...of course I forgot my camera ....This ROSE TATTOO I did back in Baltimore at one of the partys in ARBUTUS...summer 2006. A girl brought in the rough drawing of it and I just cleaned it up a bit. I've been going thru a lot of old photos lately and cleaning them up... anyway the more I see this tattoo the more I like it.... the petals kinda look like a wet roll of toilet paper, but it gives it a certain charm....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Outta the shop for 2 day OFF!.... after an excruciatingly slow week...

highlites of the week were;

A big Punk Rock Show at the MVC in the Compound!

Burnned the piss outta my finger in the bonfire behind the shop

tattooed 2 twenty yr. old girls who gotta big pay pff from the Gub'mint on accountta a boyfriend getting blowed up in Iraq....

Thus.... paying my rent.

I also tattooed a black dude that was so drunx (everyone is drunk in NOLA... relax).... he almost got himself killed after tha tattoo by going the wrong way down the WestBank Expressway, when leaving the shop.

so here is a tattoo done in Richmond... worked all last year sleveing this guy out... this photo is from around the hay way point.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

And now for the ever popular Nightmare B4 X-mas tat2. Done in a crappy little shop in the sticks of Baltimore 2005

here is an odd one I did back in '05 in that aforementioned crappy little red neck tattoo shop not quite in Baltimore..

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

OK.... so like I'm done runnin all over the damned East Coast for awhile.... Just settled into a fairly nice house (for New Orleans) fairly cheap.... (prices went up a bit since Katrina).... But it's on the Westbank.... witch is kinda a drag in a way.... but on the other hand, I've returned to a much more stable lifestyle. Living in or around the french Quarter is, how shall we say it?.... somewhat hazerdous to your health .... mental and psysichal. So's now I go home at midnight and drink a 6pack or so... along with a constant flow of herbage....

Many Mexican & Central Er-merican now in town.... and guess what? RELIGIOUS TATTOOS are the Soup De Joir.... done so many crosses and Christ heads lately, I'm ready for a mystical experience..... Of course fellow tattooist Jody can't do em..... the pentagrams on his palms would burn & possably get infected!

Strangely enuff... NO Virgin Mary Tattoos yet.... which is just as well, seeing as she looks like a hooker when I draw her....oh well.

lets try some brass knuckles... ok?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

WOWZA..... where was I?... um.... kinda got lost there last summer, ended up holed up on the southside of Richmond drawing comics and preparing for the move to NEW ORLEANS!

Which is where I'm at right now, of course.... home at last. After 4 years in the NEeastern wilderness, where the assholes abound! Well I'm set up at TATTOOVILLE in Westwego, thanks to my old friend is the 1st real custom job since I've been here.... more to come!