Sunday, October 22, 2006

The state of tattoing in Baltimore Is in a word.... FUCKED! so your humble naratior is OuttaHere!/ no surprise..... but the winning city is.... Richmond Va.....
For all of you tragicly hip tattoo fans.... whenever in Balto. steer cleer of the parinoid psychotics at Brooklyn Park Tattoo..after putting a camera on my ass for a shop they were too lazy to fuck with....I was uncerimoniously canned for not mopping the floor after a non stop $1,000 profit for them day.... when their cleaning lady was on vacation..... Can I get a FUCK YOU?...scumbags.
Skinflicks Tattoo of west bum-fuck AA County deserves your scorn & ridicule, for hosting astring of wanna-be artists & pretenders, who I had to constantlty bail out..... on Little Spider Webb's day off.... I had COVER UP Day!.... I had to fix so many of that assholes abominations that I kindof got a perverse pleasure out of it!
To tell ya the god'shonest truth.... they sabotagged me with some non existant drug shit after selling me "Surburban Biker" was shit. much like them.
But I'm a reasonable guy, who believes in karma.... I didn't firebomb these shitholes, Theowner of SkinShits is
bailing out to his homo-buddy in West Va. (great career move there..... ) and giving the shop to a couple of wannabee's that have just enuff rope to hang themselves..... I sure hope you fuckscan afford insurance...ooops!
So when looking for a real tattoo..... drive down to RVA. & find ME!
if your good.... I'll party with ya.....with no fake dilauted.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Who the hell said it?
If The devil can't get you.... he will send in a woman.'s true

Monday, October 09, 2006

Bringing up Homer.....
I found this while looking at old newspaper strips from around the turn of the century. Really looks like a combo of Bringing up Father & Homer Simpson to me.... weird!

Well, I'm outta Balto by the end of the month.... thing is I don't know where I'm going to yet! I'm really leaning towards Richmond Va. right now. The place drove me crazy 15 years ago, but I think I can do it now. New Orleans if that falls thru... but I still don't know about that. Is there anywhere to live down there? I never made a hell of alot of money in NOLA.... I did in Richmond. Plus it seems like it would be fun to work with Mel again.... for some reason I can trust him & he never pisses me off. That IS Important, these days.... I should know by the end of the week.... gotta call Enigma. Cash comes in tomorrow. Plus I don't wanna loose another book colection, moving to NOLA means leaving everything behind. screw that!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Well I haven't posted on this blog for a while... simply because NOTHING IS HAPPENING.... so, I'm SO FUCKIN' OUTTA BALTIMORE! Gotta leave now, gotta go go go from the get get go... I shoulda never have been here! OK it was good seeing my parents... but almost all my friends are dead or dieing here.... not me.
Im gonna see whats left of New Orleans.... and I should have enuff cash to split that seen, if nothing is going on.... Fuck it's gotta be better than tattooing in Pasadina ( nowherezville )
I have despised these county fucks since Hi-Skool.... Ok some of the kidz are Kool... but not bloody many of them... fuckin Redneck Idiots mostly. And Balto. is over run with the tragicly hip... 10 years too LATE! Sure, it's better than DC but fuck.... it still sucks the the royal wang!
I'm not stoopid... I know that I don't fit in anywhere.... but NOLA is the closest place on earth that I have felt.....not so weird.
Anyway.... I know it's time to fly south... The circle is closing in, I went out tonight to celebrate my B-Day.... alone. And what did I run into? A beautifull redhead that I could spend an eternity with... an acquaintance that wants to start a tattoo shop, and another dude that wants me to go to the godamn Carirabian to tattoo....or just drink....... fuck, none of that shit sounds like me.... I don't need another Golden Cage. ..... sure it sounds good to you, but it will only bite me in the ass!
NOLA.... I'm commin' home! Should be there by Halloween! Look the fuck Out!